Wheat Free Dog Food
The last few years more pet owners have been opting for wheat free dog food. Wheat free is also referred to as grain free, the term is often used interchangeably. Some even refer to wheat free dog food as gluten free dog food. Some pet owners feed their dogs a grain free diet due to allergies and others choose grain free because they believe it is a healthier option over commercialized dog food. Commercialized dog food doesn’t always offer your dog the nutrients he or she needs. In fact some dog foods do more harm than good.
Wheat free dog food does not contain oats, wheat, corn or rice. The dog food is based on meat ingredients. Turkey, beef and lamb are commonly used in the dog food. Grain free food does not add in fillers, additives or artificial flavors.
Benefits of Wheat Free Dog Food
- Dogs that eat a wheat free dog food often have better overall dental health. Their breath also tends to smell better which is a huge bonus!
- A wheat free diet is perfect for dogs that have allergy problems. There are less ingredients in wheat free dog food which helps to reduce the risk of allergies.
- Some research shows that dogs on a grain free diet have better overall health and require less vet visits.
- Wheat free dog food is typically a higher quality food which in turn helps your dogs coat. You will notice less shedding and a richer shine on your dogs coat.
- A grain free diet contains less carbohydrates and more protein. You should feed your dog smaller portions since he or she is now getting larger amounts of protein. The larger amounts of protein will keep your dog feeling full longer. Higher amounts of protein mean stronger muscles, healthier skin and brain development which are all great for you dog.
- Grain free diets have been shown to reduce obesity in dogs.
- Wheat free dog food can help improve your dogs GI tract.
When in doubt ask your veterinarian for suggestions on switching to a wheat free dog food. You will also want to ask your vet about putting a young puppy on a grain free diet. Puppies need different nutrients than older dogs so getting some information from your vet will help you make an informed decision for your new puppy. You should also take some time to research the different food options available and make an educated choice based on your dog. Be sure to read labels and check ratings before you decide on a particular dog food.
See also: Hypoallergenic Dog Food for recommended grain free dog food brands and more information.