Old Yeller

5 Famous Dogs

It is said that a dog is a man’s best friend and I think most would agree with that statement. Dogs are loving, loyal and make amazing pets! Throughout time there has been some extremely famous dogs and this list will showcase the top 5 famous dogs.

5 Famous Dogs

Old Yeller

1. Old Yeller – The movie Old Yeller hit television screens is the late 1950’s. Not only was this movie a hit but the star of the movie, the dog Old Yeller found his way into the hearts of everyone who watched the movie. The movie Old Yeller is a family classic that tells the story of a young boy and his best friend, Old Yeller. In case you haven’t watched it we won’t giveaway the ending, but make sure to have tissues on hand!

Marley the dog

2. Marley – The Golden Retriever Marley in the movie Marley and Me won us all over! The movie starts off by with Marley as a puppy and a very difficult puppy at that! However, over time Marley proves that he is a loyal and very loving dog that would do anything for his owners. This movie is a tear jerker so make sure to have your Kleenex handy.

Hooch the dog

3. Hooch – If you’ve ever watched the 1980’s movie Turner and Hooch, then you are fully aware of who Hooch is. In case you’ve never seen the movie, Hooch was a Dogue de Bordeaux and played the role of side kick to Tom Hanks. Hooch works alongside a police investigator in the movie and causes the investigator more trouble than he bargained for!

Trouble the dog

4. Trouble – The white Maltese known as Trouble received $10 million dollars when his owner passed away. Trouble’s owner also requested that he be buried next to her in the family mausoleum when Trouble eventually passes away. Trouble might be missing his owners but money will be the least of his “troubles”.

Bo the dog

5. Bo – Bo is the former first dog of the USA. Bo is a Portuguese water dog and lives in the White House with his owners President Obama and First Lady, Michelle Obama. Bo was born in October of 2008 and was picked mainly because daughter Malia has allergies and needed a dog that was hypoallergenic.

Now that you’ve read about 5 Famous Dogs, check out our other article about 5 Famous Cats!

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