Three Facts About Fleas and Ticks #Seresto

Learning the facts about fleas and ticks will be beneficial to you if your a pet owner or around a lot of animals. Fleas and ticks are an annoyance that every pet owner has to worry about. However, with the correct knowledge you can help to protect yourself, your home and your pet. There are some facts about fleas and ticks that most people do not know about. Read on to learn about three uncommon facts about fleas and ticks and how Seresto can help prevent them.

Facts About Fleas and Ticks

Rocky (pictured above), is wearing the Seresto collar and highly recommends it to all of his furry friends!

Three Uncommon Facts About Fleas:

How Long Can Fleas Live?

Fleas can live for up to 2 months! Some fleas can even live up to a 100 days if he doesn’t have to move around much. Knowing how long a flea can live, really shows how much one flea can reproduce. Most female fleas will lay eggs within approximately 48 hours of her last meal of blood.

How Fast Do Fleas Multiply?

A flea can lay eggs about once every 12 days. Over the course of a fleas life she will lay about 5,000 eggs. Taken into consideration that a flea doesn’t have a very long life span to begin with. If you have fleas in your home or on your pet, you can quickly end up with an infestation problem. It’s important to prevent fleas before they become a problem and if you do a see a flea in your home or on your pet, take immediate action.

How Far Can a Flea Jump?

Since fleas don’t fly most people wonder how a flea gets from one host to another. Did you know that fleas can jump up to 150 times their height? This is pretty amazing when you consider what this would look like if a human could jump 150 times their own height. Being able to jump at this type of distance makes it extremely easy for a flea to quickly get to a new host and in turn cause even more of a problem for humans and animals.Facts About Fleas and Ticks

Three Uncommon Facts About Ticks:

What is the Most Common Tick Found in Homes Across America?

The most common tick you will find on your dogs and in your home is the American Dog Tick. You can probably imagine how this particular tick got the name American Dog Tick. This particular tick preys on dogs and without tick prevention your dog could become a victim of this tick. This isn’t to say that your dog or yourself couldn’t get a deer tick because the deer tick is also very popular.

How to Spot a Tick?

Ticks aren’t always easy to spot on humans or animals. Typically it’s easier to spot a tick after a meal. Once the tick has gotten his meal they become engorged with blood and will double if not triple in size. It is at this stage that most people will realize they have a tick or their animal has a tick.

Are Ticks Only Active During the Summer?

Despite popular belief that summer equals tick season, this is not true. Tick season is year round! If the ground is not covered in snow or frozen, ticks are active. You need to protect yourself and your family from ticks year round.


Prevent Fleas and Ticks with Seresto:

We talked about Flea and Tick Prevention in a previous post. We have found an easy and effective solution to help stop fleas and ticks in their tracks by using the Seresto collar. This collar is not your average flea collar. It is so much more! It provides 8 months of flea and tick protection for both dogs and cats. Be sure to consider the Seresto collar for your pets, too. Don’t forget to submit for this $20 Seresto Rebate to help you save!

We hope that these Three Facts About Fleas and Ticks have been enlightening for you and that you consider Seresto as your prevention solution.

This post is sponsored by Bayer / Seresto and the Pet Blogger Network. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about the Seresto product, but Pet Coupon Savings only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Bayer/Seresto is not responsible for the content of this article.

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