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Easy Fish Tank Setup with API Fishcare

This post is sponsored by MARS Fishcare and the BlogPaws Professional Pet Blogger Network. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about API Perfect Start but Pet Coupon Savings only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. MARS Fishcare is not responsible for the content of this article. See our policies.

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Recently we had the opportunity to go to PetSmart to get an API® Perfect Start™ tank, fish and a few fun extras for the fish tank. My boys loved the idea of picking out their own fish and creating a fun environment for them to live in. Fish are a perfect starter pet for children and teaches them the importance of taking care of animals.

API Aquarium Kit

PetSmart had a few API Perfect Start tank size options to choose from. We decided on the 3 gallon tank. The API Perfect Start tank has everything you need to get your tank started off on the right foot. It even includes a little packet of fish food to get you started! Also a nice perk was that there were a few coupons included in the box to help save on fish food and other API products. You know I love coupons!

picking out fish

We spent quite a bit of time observing all of the beautiful fish. The boys had a hard time deciding on which fish they wanted. After talking to one of the PetSmart Fishcare experts we decided on a couple of golden guppies, a bright orange snail and a striped snail. The boys named the guppies Joy and Bob. They named the orange snail Sunny and the black striped snail Blacky. You’ve got to love children’s creativity when it comes to pet names. :)

Guppy Tank

Fish tankIsn’t the orange snail so pretty to look at?

We decided on fun colorful rocks to put on the bottom of the tank. We added a couple of plants and both boys picked out a castle and turtle tank decoration.PetSmart Fish

The tank was a breeze to setup with the easy instructions and the API Perfect Start packets that include all of the start up chemicals you need to help balance the water and get it ready to add fish.

The boys loved watching the fish swim in their new home and the snails climb up the side of the tank. Their favorite part of it all is being able to help feed them a pinch of food.

Feeding Fish

You can browse the many API Fishcare products at PetSmart. I would highly recommend the API Fishcare Perfect Start tanks for anyone looking to add some new fun swimming pets to their family.

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  1. ooh, snails, cool.

    Having fish can be a lot of fun, it looks like you are enjoying yours

    1. Pet Coupon Savings says:

      Yes it has been fun! Thanks for stopping by Connie. :)

  2. Carol Bryant says:

    This is adorable and I am really thinking about getting another fish!

    1. Pet Coupon Savings says:

      Thanks Carol! You should, they are so fun to watch. Thanks for stopping by! :)

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